Bird Watching

There is nothing like finding a bird in its natural habitat looking relaxed and at home. I myself have become a bit of a bird watcher....

I hopped over to the The Pouchmiss Website to see what the new design was like (If you are a new mum or dad and don't have one of these get there now it is the baby essential of our time!..The website explains it all!) only to find a beautiful bird front and centre. It was the Girly Girl Bird .......

The Girly Girl Bird is a popular bird and comes in two types of species, the bobbie bird and the clip bird. The Girly Girl bird roams in packs of three in colours of pink (seen here) aqua and purple. Found in large numbers here.

So I want to shout out a big Thank You to Ros who created the super essential Pouchmiss who thought that My little Bobby Pin was a worthy addition to promote her gorgeous product.

1 comment:

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

This looks like something I would love to have!