New Products in store...

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There are about 7 new felt designs in store......... take a look see here.

The Flirty Bird Model...

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'bout time I showed the real Scarlett.....she loves nothing more than being dirty, wearing no shoes and being a tom boy most of the time. The only time she ever looks together is for my photos...

Everyday Hero: Humptys Hike-Mt Kosciuszko

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Everyday Hero: Humptys Hike-Mt Kosciuszko: In November Leah Rigney will join 100 women and climb Mt Kosciusko to raise money for the Humpty Dumpty Foundation.

Humpty is a small charity doing BIG things and your help will ensure kids here in Australia and in East Timor have access to life-saving medical equipment.
Flirty Bird is very proud to be supporting Leah with a donation of goodies for a Humpty Dumpty Garden Party, to be held on June 5th.
To find out more about this great cause and how you can donate please visit Leah's page. She has raised $1350.00 so far but I know there will be lots of people wanting to help this great cause for the kids that need it so much.

New Elastics, New products, New Store!!!

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We have a new shipment of elastics from a new supplier! We have always been happy with our elastics but after sampling these we just had to order them, they come in four sizes, small thin, small thick, standard thin and standard thick and come in great colours, have great stretch and are all round great!! We have been using the small thick for sometime now and the great feedback from them we decided to use them for all sizes. With the shipment in, I have now added a sizing reference chart to each ponytail holder listing to make is easier to pick which elastic is easier for you.

We also have Lots and Lots of new products popping up in store however this is just the start. We have 4 huge boxes to pick up tomorrow which includes some great new supplies for me to work my magic with! I am very excited to add the new products and hopefully Friday will be able to share some new goodies!

We also have opened up a sister store, Hair Heaven, aimed at teenagers to adults. At them moment they are manufactured accessories at great prices however like the poppies in store now there will be lots handmade items uploaded over the next few months to give you the best of both worlds. We hope you like the new store and any feedback or requests for products are very welcome!

Australian Customers if you purchase from Hair Heaven and Flirty Bird at the same time your shipping will be waived and it will be on us as a thank you!